« on: March 30, 2022, 11:25:06 am »
BMOW - Yellowstone Universal Disk Controller for Apple II
It’s finally here! After more than four years in development, I’m pleased to announce that BMOW’s Yellowstone Universal Disk Drive Controller for Apple II is available and shipping now. Yellowstone combines the power of an Apple 3.5 Disk Controller Card, a standard 5.25 inch (Disk II) controller card, the Apple Liron disk controller, and more, all in a single card. It supports virtually every type of Apple disk drive ever made, including standard 3.5 inch drives, 5.25 inch drives, smart drives like the Unidisk 3.5 and the BMOW Floppy Emu’s smartport hard disk, and even Macintosh 3.5 inch drives. Yes, pull the internal 3.5 inch drive from an old Mac and use it directly with your Apple II!

A1200 - 8M & CF HDD, Vampire V4 - SA & Checkmate A1500 Mini (MiSTiX) - OS 3.1.4 (MiSTer Powered)
Amithlon Laptop, NinjaKat Bar-top Games console, TRS-80 4P & NABU PC with Pi server